Hi! I am
Bettina Flores
I am a motivational speaker and life coach. I have specialized in positive psychology, human development and spiritual transformation processes. My purpose is to accompany you and your team in increasing your levels of happiness, peace, well- being, and success.

What can I bring to your growth?
Conferences And Workshops
Whether online or in person, I offer your company tools for reflection, self- awareness, habit change so that you and your team can increase your levels of well-being, success, productivity, peace, and happiness.
Online Courses
From the comfort of your home or office, I invite you and your team to explore some of the tools I propose through my online courses.
One and One sessions
Allow me to accompany you according to your needs, whether in a session of emotional support therapy or in a coaching session.
Emotional Support Therapy
Allow me to accompany you through the emotional processes you are going
through, through active listening and unconditional acceptance. Many times, we
ask ourselves Why? Together, we will find the Purpose.
"Life isn't happening to you; it's happening for you." (Anthony J. Robbins)
Session duration: 1 Hour
How many sessions do I need to have? It completely depends on you and what you need.
Coaching session
Allow me to accompany you in achieving your purposes, goals, and objectives; through powerful questions, you will discover the answers you need and the next steps to take toward your goals.
Session duration: 1 Hour
How many sessions do I need to have? Recommended between 4 and 12 for each process

I am Bettina Flores,
In love with life, I am passionate about learning, growing, and impacting the lives of others, driving their transformation to make them happier and more successful.
Over 20 years ago, I began my own journey of transformation, and over time, I have discovered and practiced various techniques and tools that have led me to live a much more fulfilling, happy, peaceful, meaningful, harmonious, and well-rounded life. And it's these techniques and tools that I share with you in my workshops and conferences.
I am constantly preparing and learning because my greatest purpose is to be a better version of myself every day, making better decisions from responsibility and freedom. My passion is to support others in the continuous creation of their best selves.
- Love Peace Abundance Happiness
Gabriela Andrade
Los Angeles, USA"I experienced a shakeup in my deepest feelings, a shift in my perspective on who I am, but above all, where I'm headed? Believing, having faith, and embracing life with wonderful habit changes to put into practice. Thank you for contributing to the direction I want and choose for my life."
Marcela Pérez
Coahuila, Mexico"From this workshop, I take away tools to, first and foremost, improve as a person, so I can transmit it to those around us, both at home and at work. I also take away challenges to achieve specific goals I have and to reach higher levels in the areas of the wheel of life."
Juan Pérez
Monterrey, Mexico"Thank you very much, Bettina, for awakening in me the desire to progress, to become better every day. For all the knowledge I take with me from this excellent personal development course. Congratulations!"
In my Conferences and Workshops...
I provide you with the method to transform your life into a happier, more successful, and balanced one.

7 Habits for Happiness
In this practical and enjoyable conference, I share with you 7 tools that you can immediately apply in your daily life, thereby starting to acquire new positive habits that will lead you to a more fulfilling, happy, peaceful, and meaningful life.
Be the Being, Then Sell
If you want to achieve more success in sales, it's crucial to work on the development of the SELF; this is the foundation for building a successful, solid, and long-term career.

To Be a Woman... and Be Happy
This conference was created especially for you, women, to offer you tools that help you to rediscover your greatness and live in peace, being successful and happy, living with purpose.
Corporate and public clients

Learn more about me
I have prepared some communication channels especially for you...

Do you need more information?
Contact me right here