Who is Bettina Flores?
Bettina Flores is a person who has had the opportunity to learn from great masters through their literature, audio, and videos, such as Wayne Dyer, Viktor Frankl, Napoleon Hill, Jim Rhon, Anthony Robbins, among others. She has also had the opportunity to study various areas of personal growth, including Human Development, Positive Psychology, Happiness Sciences, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Logotherapy. In her workshops and conferences, she shares all these learnings that she has applied to her personal experience and that can now also transform your life.
She is part of the Association of Hispanic Speakers and she served as the president of the Alumni Association of the Master's Degree in Human Development at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, from 2020 to 2022.

Self Development
Happiness Sciences and Positive Psychology have shown that increasing levels of well-being and happiness in individuals also increase their results and productivity. In my workshops and conferences, we focus on the development of the SELF, and I use all these tools to motivate individuals to raise their life standards.
We all have the right, responsibility, and freedom to create the life we want to live. Recognizing and accepting a person's current situation first (Who am I or who am I being) is the starting point to define where they want to go (Who do I want to be?) and to design an action plan to achieve it. My greatest purpose is to support people in these processes of transformation and growth.
Get in touch!Testimonials
- Love Peace Abundance Happiness
Gabriela Andrade
Los Angeles,USA"I experienced a shakeup in my deepest feelings, a shift in my perspective on who I am, but above all, where I'm headed? Believing, having faith, and embracing life with wonderful habit changes to put into practice. Thank you for contributing to the direction I want and choose for my life."
Marcela Pérez
Coahuila, Mexico"From this workshop, I take away tools to, first and foremost, improve as a person, so I can transmit it to those around us, both at home and at work. I also take away challenges to achieve specific goals I have and to reach higher levels in the areas of the wheel of life."
Juan Pérez, Mexico
Monterrey"Thank you very much, Bettina, for awakening in me the desire to progress, to become better every day. For all the knowledge I take with me from this excellent personal development course. Congratulations!"
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